To Tax Or Not To Be Taxed

Taxes. It helps us accomplish so many things. We can build roadways, help the sick, and do so much good. However, it is a double edged sword that is also hurting us. The colonists believed that taxing without fair representation was wrong. Who are the people that manage our taxes? Can you name each person that handles a piece of the taxes you paid? Unfortunatly, you cannot. There are so many networks and programs that is is nearly impossible to see where every penny goes. Even the presidents cabinet cannot assure every penny gets to where its needs to be. We give out our trust so easily these days. We have been born in america. The land of the free. Trust in thy country. Seriously? We are expected to give our money to taxes and hope for the best. Would you walk up to a stranger on the street with a CPA and ask him to handle your money? No? Well, that is exactly what you did. Taxes can do great things for this world, if the world was honest.  The government needs to have an online tracking site for each tax payer’s dollar. If we have to report how much we make and spend, so should our government. John Smith should be able to collect his pay stub and be able to see exactly what happened to $200 of his wages that week. Itemization can be done. If we can throw a big pile of money at AIG Insurance so they can party, then we can throw a pile at a group of programmers and accountants. Fair tax with representation, now thats what I’m talking about.

100 Year Old Technology

Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors the world has never known. That’s right, the world has NEVER known. You might have to study a few pieces of his work in electrical and mechanical engineering. However, his life’s goals and ambitions are left unknown  and incomplete.  During the turn of the twentieth century he had brought many inventions to the table. They are used everyday. This includes the discovery of creating AC current. Tesla suffered from visions and had an urge to bring his visions to life. Back by the schooling of the time and his advanced method of thought, new technology was created. Tesla believed that no one should be held back from completing their dream. In his case, he wanted to help the world with his creations. This idea of creating free wireless electricity to the world was on his agenda. The Wardenclyffe Tower is where he wanted to start the change of a new free flowing world. Wireless Electricity and Wireless Transmissions was an ease for Mr. Tesla. He proposed to create one of the cheapest electrical powerhouses in the world. This idea was bought up by JP Morgan Chase. You may recognize the name. Tesla had his funding and began creating his powerhouse. This powerhouse would take the small amount of electrical current in our atmosphere and convert it usable electricity. However,  he planned to produce this electricity for free and distribute it wirelessly.  Once, JP Morgan Chase found out he shut down funding. Chase’s belief was you cannot put a meter on wireless electricity. Tesla’s idea was sound and proven. However, his invention was lost in time on purpose. Tesla has much work that is being continued by amature inventors. Work is left unpublished. This is to protect the integrity of their work. Nikola Tesla died broke and discredited in the scientific community. Limitless energy could dissolve the need for fossil fuels and ancient ways of energy creation. Why would someone want to stop limitless energy?