Free Healthcare Today!

That is one headline you will never see in America. Have you ever wondered what life would be like to be a Canadian? You could see a doctor whenever you like for free. It wouldn’t matter if you were rich or poor. Wouldn’t that be nice, Aye? unfortunately, as Americans, we do not see it that way. Healthcare insurance  has turned into an industry of profit. An industry in which the bottom line has to be protected, not the patient. Everyday, hundreds of people are denied from life saving operations. They were simply denied due to the survival ratio of the procedure. You see, a doctor sitting at a desk, a thousand miles away, seen a request for payout for a procedure. They had the choice to approve or deny this claim. They were given incentives for denials and not approvals. Is this not murder? Can we truly sit back and let this paperwork of evil kill another innocent victim? The healthcare insurance monster exists. It exists only as a profit generating entity. I firmly believe that there should be non-profit healthcare. Imagine if we paid for the true cost of what we used? Everybody could afford it!  People were taken to jail for selling life saving equipment after Katina for a profit. It was a crime!  However, hospitals charge inflated prices to seek emergency help. The insurance company charge the hospital inflated prices for life saving equipment. Wouldn’t that be a crime? Let’s change our mode of thought, not for us, but for our children. We can do it!